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The Town Clerk holds office hours on:


Monday - Closed

Tuesday  8 AM - 3 PM

Wednesday  9 AM - 12 PM

Thursday  4 PM - 7 PM

Friday  9 AM - 12 PM


Visit the Town Clerk to:


License your dog

Purchase a clam license

Obtain a marriage license

Purchase a hunting or fishing license

Obtain a certified copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate

Register a business name

Register to vote

Request an absentee ballot


If you have questions for the Town Clerk, please call or stop by 70 Church Street during office hours, or send us an email anytime.




Mailing Address:

Town of Deer Isle

Town Clerk

PO Box 46

Deer Isle, ME 04627



Absentee Voting

For more information, contact the Town Clerk, please call or stop by 70 Church Street during office hours, or send us an email anytime.



Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector

Office of the Clerk/Registrar of Voters

Ph. 207-348-6060  Fax 207-348-9398

70 Church Street  ~  PO Box 46

Deer Isle, ME 04627

Office of the Selectmen
Town Manager
Ph. 207-348-2324  Fax 207-348-9398
70 Church Street  ~  PO Box 627
Deer Isle, ME 04627

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