For important information about getting married in Maine, please visit the State of Maine web page by clicking on the link below.
Marriage licenses can be obtained from the Town Clerk during regular business hours. If you would like your license the same day that you submit your Intentions Of Marriage application plan to arrive an hour or more before closing. Intentions of Marriage applications can be picked up at the Town Office or click on the link below.
State of Maine Intentions of Marriage
You may fill out your Intentions of Marriage application in advance but DO NOT SIGN the application until you are in the presence of the Town Clerk.
~The fee for a marriage license is $40.
~A certified copy of your marriage record is $15 for the 1st copy
and $6 for each additional copy.
~The Deer Isle Town Clerk can issue a marriage license to residents of Deer Isle and non-residents living in another state or country. If both parties are Maine residents and
neither reside in Deer Isle, you may not obtain a marriage
license in Deer Isle.
~Marriage licenses are valid for 90 days.
~After the ceremony you must complete the ‘Ceremony’ section of each marriage license using a BLACK INK and
~It is required that two witnesses be present and sign the
marriage license in the State of Maine. The officiant CANNOT
be a witness.
~CLERGY: Box 34 must be completed with your date of ordination
~NOTARIES: Box 34 must be completed with your commission
expiration date. DO NOT use your seal or rubber stamp on the
~The officiant must return the marriage license to the
municipality where the license was issued within seven days
of the marriage. Under no circumstances should this duty be
assigned to the individuals who are married or any member
of the wedding party.
New legislation beginning September 19, 2019 will require parties who plan to get married in Maine to provide their proposed new name(s) on the marriage intention application, marriage license and certificate if the parties intend to change their name(s) upon marriage.
Click below to read new law.

If this is
your first
marriage you
must produce a certified copy (raised seal) of the divorce from or death certificate of
the last spouse.
For the State of Maine guide for officiants, click on the link below.