Deer Isle Health &
General Assistance
General Assistance
Persons who wish to apply for General Assistance may do so at the Deer Isle Town Office. Details posted at: General Assistance Or Call :
Jim Fisher, Town Manager 348-2324 or 812-6315 (mobile)
The American Red Cross will install FREE smoke alarm(s) and provide free home safety checks. To schedule an installation:
Visit - redcross.org/EndHomeFiresNNE or
Call - 1-800-464-6692 (Option 4)

Notice to Deer Isle Residents and Visitors
The town office is not requiring appointments. Please observe mask and social distance requirements. For information, please call:
348-2324 for the Town Manager, Planning, Code Enforcement and Road Department.
348-6060 for the Treasurer, Tax Collector and Clerk
Please observe Maine CDC guidelines for safe travel. See service information below.
We have added a mail slot for convenient drop-off of taxes, ballots
and other documents just left of the Clerk and Treasurer Entrance.