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Deer Isle Harbors and

Marine Resources

Harbormasters: Deer Isle Select Board


Shellfish Warden: Raelene Pert (207)359-6532 or (207)266-4327 (Mobile)

Shellfish Committee Chair: George Powell

Shellfish Committee Secretary: Crystal Gove


The Mudflat - Website dedicated to wild clam and mussel fisheries


What do you do if you find a dead seal in Maine?

Call the Maine Marine Animal Reporting Hotline immediately at 1-800-532-9551. Do not approach the animal. Stay 100 yards (300 feet) away. Help keep other people and pets away.


Design Documents for Bridge End

- Bridge End Float Extension Overview

- Bridget End Float Design

- Bridge End Float Materials List

- Bridge End Park Design

If you spot dead or stranded seals or whales



     207-266-1326 (cell)

COA/Allied Whale Reporting Center

Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector

Office of the Clerk/Registrar of Voters

Ph. 207-348-6060  Fax 207-348-9398

70 Church Street  ~  PO Box 46

Deer Isle, ME 04627

Office of the Selectmen
Town Manager
Ph. 207-348-2324  Fax 207-348-9398
70 Church Street  ~  PO Box 627
Deer Isle, ME 04627

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